Monday, October 19, 2009

My First Blog from France

I really have had troubles setting up this thing called a blog. My sister Ophelia told me that I should create one so here i have. My dad told me that i should be good in France, before i left Denmark, but i have found three parties tonigh. In the three parties I attended i manages to get into two different scuffles with some french men. I do miss my sister and father, but i shall see them both soon. Hopefully my sister is not running off with the infamous Hamlet, while I'm gone. I'm glad to be away from all the drama occuring in Denmark as of now, with the death of Hamlets dad. There is an ample amount of frustration within the castle as the snakebite of the King has brought sorrow to many of us. Now Hamlet is trying to get with my dear sister and I am trying to force her to not fall for him. What should I do? But I am going to enjoy my time in France, before I return to the castle at Denmark.

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